We’ve been there – you’re ready to sew home decor items, but you’re not sure how much fabric to buy.  Based on standard product dimensions, we whipped up this helpful yardage guide to get you started.  Each yardage calculation accounts for 2-4 inches of seam allowance and 2-4 inches of hem allowance (except for napkins, but we’ll get there later).

Most fabric is printed or woven at 54 inches wide, so some of these projects will need 2 or 3 panels of fabric to achieve the right width.


Tablecloth: These yardage calculations allow for at least a 6″ overhang on all 4 sides of the tablecloth.  You will need to plan to seam 2 panels together to achieve the desired width.


Table Runner: This yardage calculation allows for at least a 6″ overhang on both ends of the runner.


Set of 4 Napkins: Most napkins are sewn with a rolled hem, which can be tricky to do with only a little hem allowance.  If you are a rolled hem pro, you can get 4 of these 16″ x 16″ napkins out of one yard with only 1″ in either direction for seam allowance.  If you’re worried about your ability to sew a rolled hem, go ahead and buy two yards of fabric.


Set of 4 Placemats: Placemats often use a rolled hem for a cleaner looking backside, so keep this in mind when choosing fabric.  2 yards will allow plenty of room for hems if the fabric is 54″ wide.


Pillow: These yardage calculations account for both the front and the back of the pillow.


Shower Curtain: You should plan to seam 2 or 3 panels together to create a wide enough shower curtain.


Pair of Drapes: These yardage calculations account for 2 panels at the mentioned length.


Duvet Cover: These yardage calculations are for one side of the duvet cover only.  Because of how wide duvets are, you will need to seam 2 or 3 panels of fabric together across the width.

PLUS! We’ve included this Pinterest-perfect infographic so you can save these calculations directly to your sewing Pinterest board.  Happy sewing!
